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The little-known secret to buying property across the United States in Opportunity Zones!

The little-known secret to buying property across

the United States in Opportunity Zones!

+ How to buy them without the Bank!




Over 4 Mil

IN 2023



All the areas in green are OPPORYUNITY ZONES!

Important Question For Real Estate Investors Who Can't Seem Scale Their Real Estate Business...

What's the ONLY Between

Invetsors Doing Deals That Pay Forever or Those Who Are Stuck?

If you guessed a “better property list” you'd be wrong...

If you guessed the latest and greatest “cold calling company” you'd be wrong...

If you guesses a better texting platform, you'd be wrong...

And  if you guessed a bulideing a massive team....

...You'd still be very, very wrong

Because here's the truth…

Most investors and industry experts are stuck in the quicksand of growth, and that club is recruiting more members daily.

Maybe you find yourself scratching your head, thinking, “Something's got to be off here”.

The Golden Ticket software systems you were banking on? Now its got you blowing through cash faster than the fed can raise interest rates.

You’ve already climbed mountains to get where you are today. You’ve put a few deals together. You've laid the ground work to turn up the volume and scale.

But thats precisely where the struggle begins... 

Even with all those resources to take advantage of, getting more deals feels like walking a tight rope in a hurricane, bringing your business closer to the grave.

Why? I Have Everything I need to Build My Real Estate Business...

Why Can't I Do It?

Here's the kicker - It's not about hoarding "more resources". 

Nope, it's about learning how to master the resources you already possess with precision and finess so you can...

Tame the frustration that comes hand in hand with failed scaling.

Trim the number setbacks

Shave off hours of wasted time.

Because Lets Be Honest. You Already Know That Each Failure Brings You One Step Closer To Success...

But How Many More Failures Can Your Business Really Take?

How many more lists can you buy, fingers crossed, breath held, dreaming of forever money…only to find those deals are moving away from you…

How many coaches or consultants can you hire, lured by the tantalizing promise of a “Game Changing Strategy” or "35 Step Sales Process" only to end up nursing a migraine

How many more sanity-testing dives into your analytics can you endure before your computer gets a free flying lesson out the window, after witnessing your latest “brilliant” strategy flop once again?

How many more deep dives can you do while trying to track KPI’s that don't exist?

Isn’t It High Time You Kicked Your Real Estate Growth Into Overdrive, Redefining Your Business’s Trajectory And Rocketing It Into Uncharted Territories Of Success?

How about waking up each morning, rubbing the sleep from your eyes, and, upon checking your numbers, feeling the zing of excitement shooting through your veins?

Instead of hitting refresh like a caffeine-fueled wholesaler hoping for a phone miracle, you're now double-checking, triple-checking, because these digits on the screen are so mind-blowing, you need to confirm they're real.

Suddenly, you can breathe again, no longer dammed up by the relentless grind of mere survival.

You're exactly where you should be, pouring your all into building the portfolio you've dreamed of, free from the never-ending hampster wheel of business worry.

And that is a reality worth a champagne toast, in celebration of the rock-solid consistency your business enjoys, month over month, year over year...

Sound Good?

Well, You Must Free Yourself From These Three Lies Right Now If You Want Any Chance Of

Making This Your Reality...

Well, You Must Free Yourself From These Three Lies Right Now If You Want Any Chance Of

Making This Your Reality...

LIE #1

"I Need The Newest Systems, Software, and Processes

To Be Successful"

Isn’t it just human nature to crave the newest, most glittering object on the shelf? Whether we’re on a relentless quest for significance or itching to grab the latest tech toy, we’re all suckers for the allure of ‘brand new’.

This universal itch is likely why you’re hopping from one strategy to the next, trying to unlock the stubborn door to your real estate growth.

The more arrows you shoot, the more likely you’ll hit the bullseye, right?

[ALARM]. Wrong answer, unfortunately. A moving target almost never gets hit.

For any plan to work its magic, you need to roll up your sleeves and pour in steady, unwavering effort to MAKE it sparkle.

Will your first attempt be a slam dunk? Highly unlikely.

But if you’re quick to abandon ship the moment the wind doesn’t blow in your favor, you’re leaving a sea of opportunities untapped.

That’s why we’re not cobbling together an oddball mix of ‘unique elements'. Instead, we’re taking familiar pieces and arranging them in an ‘uniquely brilliant’ manner.

This is our secret recipe for long-term victory. No crystal balls, no magic beans—just proven elements used in fresh, exciting ways.

LIE #2

"I Need New To Change My

Entire Marketing Strategy"

Hold up! t’s not a marketing revolution you need.

Scaling your portfolio isn’t about unleashing an avalanche of shiny, untested tactics and strategies into your business landscape. It’s not about rewriting the rules or reinventing the wheel.

No, scaling is about taking what you’re already doing and transforming it into a lean, mean, efficiency machine. It’s about amplifying your existing knowledge, not tossing it out with last week’s leftovers.

The crux of the matter is simple: "CREATING" more real estate deals is a game of understanding human behavior.

The question becomes: How can you harness the power of ethical persuasion to skyrocket the number of people begging you to buy their property?

This is your golden ticket to shifting from a place of frustration to a flourishing real estate business, without giving your marketing strategy a head-to-toe makeover.

Think of it as a marketing tune-up rather than a total overhaul. It’s more about tweaking the engine you already have for maximum performance, not trading it in for a newer model.

LIE #3

"I Need To Build A Massive

Team To Be Successful"

Sure, the price tag for trying to build a team can feel like throwing a pile of money out the window, threatening to reach the summit of Mt. Everest... and it doesn't seem to be lacing up its hiking boots to descend any time soon.

That's why, if you're fixated on the flashy allure of short-term tactics and strategies, scaling up could seem as attainable as catching a cloud.

The true secret to scaling successfully is akin to diving deep into the Mariana Trench of marketing. It's not about casting your net far and wide in the shallow waters, but instead drilling down into the depths.

Remember: An ocean's depth is always more intriguing than its surface. A goldmine of potential lies not in spreading yourself thin, but going an inch wide and a mile deep. That's how you strike the rich vein of scalable growth.

"But Wait...Who The Heck

Are You To Tell Me All Of This?"

America's #1 Seller Finance Educator

As the #1 Seller Finance Educator in the Real Estate Space, Mike sits alone atop of the Seller Finance game. A highly sought after educator and speakerMike is an expert at turning new investors into wealthy investors before they have time to digest his information. 

His students have secured over $4.9Mil in multifamily properties in 2023 alone. He speaks across the country educating investors on the massive opportunity that exists right now in todays' market.

Mike has over 23 yrs experience in Real Estate and has been through some of the bumpiest roads. "Real Estate seems almost impossible with the information available to new investors. I simplify that process so anyone can own property" Mike is known as the teachers teacher. He's trained some of the top teams in the country.

Mike has been featured in the Wall Street Journal as a industry expert and has a true passion for helping others succeed in Real Estate. 

Here's Exactly What You'll Get..

Here's Exactly What You'll Get...


10 module training designed to give you everything you need to scale your business and understand seller finance plus the opportunity zones.


Extra surprises along the way to make sure you get the results you're looking for :-)

This 10X10 Mini Course Will Show You My Exact Seller Finance Model So You Can Scale Your Real Estate Portfolio Predictably.

Month After Month, My Students Lock Up Life Changing Deals Because Of This Exact Model.

All You Need To Do Is Click The Button Below To Save Your Space Now!

The Entire Course In One Place

Total Value: $1995

 Elevate Your Skills and Future with Our Exclusive Limited-Time Offer

For a Limited Time $17 ONLY

Here's What People Are Saying About The Opportunity Zones & The Seller Finance Launch Kit..

Do I Need This Right Now?

Well, as the old saying goes, "The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now"

Why endure another day stuck in the swamp of sluggish growth, squinting at the horizon for a rescue chopper? Why not just engineer your own escape, armed with the exact tools you need to profitably scale your business?

Why consent to the shackles of stagnation, when you could be unfurling the sails of expansion, commandeering a fleet of amazing properties?

Doesn't it tickle your funny bone to think that mastering the science of seller finance now could mean you can kick back, relax and focus more on serving your life? It's what I focus on, and you can too.

So, what do you say? Ready to plant that metaphorical tree and bask in its shade of success?

  • Are You Someone who is Looking for Their First Deal?

  • ​Are You Someone who is Stuck, Frustrated and Confused?

  • ​Are You Someone who is Tired of Dead Leads?

  • ​Are You Someone who is Tired of Wholesaling?

  • ​Are You Someone who is Tired of Losing Deals?

  • ​Are You Someone who is Tired of Losing Money?

  • ​Are You Someone who is Tired of the Struggle?

  • ​Are You Someone who is Looking for a Better Way?

What You Will Learn in This Course...


Uncover all the areas the government wants you to invest in! Learn HOW to buy these peoperties that will explode your wealth!

Course 1: START HERE

An overview of the greatest wealth building strategy. Build a massive portfolio in record time! Lets face it...You can't sell or buy anything you dont understand.


Don't over complicate it! If you are just starting out or you are a seasoned investor, it's never been easier to start! 


Where all the MAGIC happens! Get my entire sequence of questions to help you on track.

Course 4: THE 4 MUST HAVES

I wish I knew this sooner! These 4 MUST HAVES are the backbone to Real Estate investing!


Understand the Must Haves, Understand How To get them and you'll make money five different ways!


Heres the ONLY way to get them!


Learn all the negotiables inside of a seller finance deal! Know which levers to pull and when. NEVER leave money on the table!


99% of investors have absolutely no idea how to do these deals! Being able to overpay is very powerful!


Learn the art of struturing an amazing deal and make the same money a bank would make!


Uncover all the secrets the BANK doesnt want you to know! 

Total Value: $1995

Limited time Offer! Get Access to the MASTERCLASS!

For a Limited Time

$17 Only

The Entire Course In One Place...

Total Value: $1995

 Elevate Your Skills and Future with Our Exclusive Limited-Time Offer

For a Limited Time $17 ONLY

Here Are The Answers To Your Questions..

Here Are The Answers

To Your Questions..

Will Mike Be Doing The Teaching?

Yes - Mike will be the ONLY educator in the course.


Will I Be Able To Keep The Recordings?



How Much Money Should I Be Earning Right Now For This To Be Of Value To Me?

If you're earning less than $10k per month, you'll find this to be an incredible valuable for you.


Is This Course Really Worth The Time?

Listen - I totally get it. I'm extremely busy too!

It's about learning the exact strategy you can use to scale your business in a way that allows you to have more free time. This is a time investment that will be so well worth it.

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